Head Standing Ovation

Head Standing Ovation

You’ve heard of a “Standing Ovation” right? You know, when the audience stands on their feet and applauds to show their admiration or support for a play, speech or sporting event. Now, have you heard of a “Head Standing Ovation?” If not, here is how and why you should be performing this Ovation weekly for your hair

It is no secret that our hair can ‘act up’ at any given moment. It will put on a performance with or without an audience. Let us just say our hair has a mind of its own and wants to show the world their true self. Well, at least my ‘Gina’ does. Yes, Gina is the name I gave my hair. I’ve realized that Gina is going to be Gina and she should be embraced just as she is. Therefore, for Gina’s performance, she deserves a “Head Standing Ovation” at least twice a week.  

For Gina’s ovation, I found that standing on my head or head inversions a couple times a week promotes healthy hair growth and increases blood circulation allowing for more nutrients and oxygen to get to your scalp. Research also shows that blood flow at the scalp can enrich your hair follicles with everything they need for added strength and health. 

By incorporating “Head Standing Ovations” you could start to see improvements in the health and growth of your hair, even with protective styles. Keep in mind to massage your scalp with Donna’s Recipe Hair oil to stimulate hair follicles before performing your headstand. This also increases the blood flow to the scalp!

If you’re nervous or hesitant to try headstands, instructions are separated for beginners, intermediate and advanced. Choose the one that is safe for you that you feel most comfortable executing. 

Are you ready? Okay, let us HEAD on over to begin our Head Standing Ovations.


(Word of caution: do not try to perform headstand without any help or if you have the following:

  • Neck, shoulder, or back concerns
  • Concerns with blood coming to your head
  • Osteoporosis
  • A heart condition
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Eye concerns, including glaucoma

(Take baby steps; choose the right Head Inversions or Headstands for you)


Simply begin with a Standing Fold Pose: 

  1. Place your feet together and bend over as far as you can, letting your head and arms hang freely and loosely. This along with our other poses helps relieve anxiety and stress which is one of the primary hair loss causes. 
  2. If you are limber enough, touch your nose to your knees while placing your hands around your legs. Inhale, exhale, and hold this pose for about 30 seconds.


(Word of caution: Use a spotter, a trainer, or a flat wall)

For all headstands, remember to engage your core the entire time, drawing your navel into your spine and keeping your body in alignment.

  1. Begin by getting on your knees and hands (Also known as ALL FOURS).
  2. Place your head on a yoga mat or pillow while your knees are still bent.
  3. Once you are comfortable, place your head on the floor right between your hands
  4. Let your elbows drop down while keeping your hands on the floor.
  5. Take note where your right elbow is and place your right hand there. Do the same by bringing your left hand to where your left elbow is. Adjust the distance further away from your head as needed.
  6. Raise your hip up so that you are on your toes.
  7. Slowly walk your feet towards your head.
  8. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  9. Once you are balanced, slowly place your right knee on top of your right elbow. (repeat this action by placing your left knee on your left elbow).
  10. Hold this position for 30 - 45 seconds.
  11. To get out of the pose, bring down one foot and place it on the floor then bring the other down slowly.

Avoid standing up immediately after a headstand. If you feel lightheaded once you stand up, gently lower yourself back down into a seated position


For all headstands, remember to engage your core the entire time, drawing your navel into your spine and keeping your body in alignment.

  1. Begin by getting on your knees and hands (Also known as ALL FOURS)
  2. Place your head on the yoga mat or pillow while your knees are still bent.
  3. Once you are comfortable, place your head on the floor right between your hands.
  4. Let your elbows drop down while keeping your hands on the floor.
  5. Take note where your right elbow is and place your right hand there. Do the same by bringing your left hand to where your left elbow is. Adjust the distance further away from your head as needed.
  6. Raise your hip up so that you are on your toes.
  7. Slowly walk your feet towards your head.
  8. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  9. Once you are balanced, slowly place your right knee on top of your right elbow. ( repeat this action by placing your left knee on your left elbow).
  10. Once you are balanced, raise one leg or both legs straight up towards the ceiling depending on your strength. *remember to engage your core the entire time, drawing your navel into your spine and keeping your body in alignment*
  11. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds.
  12. To get out of the pose, bring your left leg, place it on your left elbow, and bring your right leg to your right elbow. You may also bring both legs down at the same time to either your elbows or to the floor.  

Avoid standing up immediately after a headstand. If you feel lightheaded once you stand up, gently lower yourself back down into a seated position. Listen to your body and take a break if you develop any pain or tension after you practice.

There you have it! Are you ready to give yourself a Head Standing Ovation? Let us know where you stand!

Let's welcome Arnita Champion, as we she will be a featured contributing blog writer for Donna's Recipe. Arnita Champion was born “A Champion to say the least. Her passion is to “Champ-Changing” lives by igniting the champion within individuals focusing on her “4 F Words” - FAITH-FITNESS-FOOD- and FASHION. 


  • Shanna

    No thank you 🙏 I get dizzy spells and I have migraine headaches I will just use the products as the directions say and my hair will grow just fine

  • Adrienne Curry

    Thanks for the blog on headstands I just started doing that and I’m hoping to see what will happen with that along with Donna’s recipe

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