Don't let one thing mess up everything else going right
You're doing it again !!!
One thing has gone wrong and here you go with "Don't nothing ever go my way!" One thing. Everything isn't going wrong.
You're just having a moment. It may be a speed bump because it's time to slow down. Maybe you're at a stop sign because it's time to look both ways before you keep going. But everything isn't going wrong. So stop that negative talk. Stop that tantrum. You're ok. Things are fine and recognize this is only a moment. Take a moment to pause, focus and say why did this happen? And what can I do to prevent it from happening again or to proceed with caution and figure it out. You got this!
Now, gone about your business and have yourself the most amazing day, but even if you can't don't you dare go messing up nobody else's!
Now, Donna don't want you stressing out and taking pauses on your Donna's Recipe. Are we still on this healthy hair journey together? Yes! Get into your Donna's Recipe!
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