6 Things Every Parent with Curly Kids Should Know

Caring for your own hair is already a job, so when you have a curly kid it’s double the effort and work caring for two heads of hair. Here are a few must have parent tips and tricks when caring for your curly kids hair.
1. Use a Pre-Poo
Using a pre-poo like helps to detangle their hair before shampooing to help melt all of the knots and tangles. A Pre-Poo is used before you wash the hair, and it helps to detangle the curls. This saves so much time and is really a game changer when it comes to detangling your little one’s hair.
2. Wash Less Often
Believe it or not, you can wash your kid’s hair as little as once a week or every other week! Try to keep your hands out of their hair so often. Make sure you create a wash day routine that works best for you. If you feel the need to wash more often, consider trying a co-wash. In short, co-washing just means that you're replacing your shampoo and conditioner with only one product that can simultaneously cleanse and moisturize your hair without stripping away the natural oils. So look for products that say “Cleansing Conditioner”.
3. Detangle The Hair While Wet!
Also always make sure to detangle their hair wet not dry. This will save you tears on both ends! Use either a denman brush, a detangling flexi brush or any silicone brush with nylon bristles. They all work wonders! NEVER, detangle dry hair.
4. Try Protective Styling
Mini twists or braids are super cute protective styles for my daughter and son. They last long and both serve as a two part hairstyle! Try to keep the mini twists or braids for about a week or two, then have them wear as a twist out or braid out for a few days, and then follow with a bun. Keep it simple and keep your hands out of their hair as much as possible.
5. Use The LOC Method
Let's face it, curly hair tends to get dry and that is no exception with our curly kids. However, using the LCO method can help keep their hair moisturized. The LCO method is an abbreviation for leave-in conditioner, cream and oil. It is also a way you should apply the products to you and your kids' hair. This specific order of products helps to maximize moisture retention. Especially ending with Donna’s Hair Strength Oil to really help seal in all of the moisture.
6. Always Protect The Hair At Night
Keeping your curly kid’s hair protected at night is very important to keep their hair healthy. Make sure that your son or daughter sleeps in a satin bonnet or on a satin pillowcase. Cotton can dry out the hair, so it’s important to keep the hair covered while sleeping.
What are some ways that you care for your curly kids hair? Let us know in the comments what your top tips are for your little ones.
Hello my Donna’s Recipe family. I have been using Donna’s Recipe oil and gummies for a while now, however my hair was growing so slow. I decided at the beginning of this year to loc my hair. I am pleased to say that my hair is really growing and I love my locs. Thank you so much ❤
This is the same exact article on NaturallyCurly.com
I’m on it! Thank you for sharing.
Happy Holidays
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